Looking for a nursing job or nursing staff join in Express Nursing Agency, Castle Hill, Sydney
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ENA Nursing Specialist

ENA Nursing Specialist

Express Nursing Agency specialises in Critical Care Nursing within Sydney and is a leading provider of specialist nursing staff throughout Sydney. Our agency is respected by leading hospitals as a continually reliable source of quality nursing personnel. Express Nursing Agency is run by a team of qualified nursing staff who have extensive experience, a genuine understanding of the specialist care and health services industry and know how to place nurses where they are needed most.

We pride ourselves on our motto “Our Staff Your Best Staff”

We cover all critical care areas such as ICU, NCU, ED, GICU, CCICU, Rec, HDU, CCLab and Operating Theatres.


ENA Nursing Specialist
Express Nursing Agency specialises in Critical Care Nursing within Sydney has been a leading provider of specialist nursing staff throughout Sydney.
Our agency is respected by leading hospitals as a continually reliable source
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